Iezzi&Partners is the boutique of strategic consulting.
Heart of a rich network of professionals, characterized by a high level of academic, institutional, managerial and entrepreneurial skills, Iezzi&Partners is able to activate according to a “variable geometry” structure, which can perfectly adapt to the needs of companies and institutions. To them, Iezzi&Partners offers innovative, targeted and high quality solutions, with a “tailor made” approach, in order to satisfy their requests in an exclusive way.
The Mission of Iezzi&Partners is to support and enrich the activities of these institutions and companies, providing directly or through its network, strategic consulting services that contribute to generating value both for customers and for the socio-economic context of reference.
Particular attention is paid to those subjects whose growth and development plans are characterized by creative and innovative ideas and potentially able to promote the protection and enhancement of national and international cultural heritage, while highlighting particular attention to respect for the person, his dignity and the social and natural environment that hosts it.
Vito Rotondi
Economist – Advisor - CEO Managing Director. Modern Economist. Executive in General Management, Corporate & Legal, Finance, Governance, ESG, Planning & Control, Crisis & Risk Management, Business Development. He held Top Management positions in the...
Francesco Rotondi
Senior Advisor
Pier Carlo Barberis
Senior Advisor
Paolo Callegaro
Senior Advisor
Cleto Sagripanti
Senior Advisor
Salvatore Miletta
Graduate in Business Administration with almost 20 years of professional experience strongly oriented to SMEs which represent, a winning model if properly managed and helped in their life cycle. His mission is to help entrepreneurs along the phases that are...
Federico Raimondi Slepoi
WORK EXPERIENCE 2022 ERASMUS UNIVERSITY ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands Lecturer, European Master in Law and Economics. 2014-2018; 2021 Consultant, France, Germany, India, Italy, Montenegro, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA He has helped multinationals, startups, governments...
Lamberto Iezzi – founder
Born in Venice in 1964, married, 3 children. After a humanistic schooling, which saw him participate in the “Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas”, an international Latin competition, followed by philosophical studies at the Venetian university of Ca’ Foscari and an intense experience as a journalist, he unexpectedly landed in the world of credit. Here he gained managerial experience in some of the major national and international players, with top management responsibilities in all major market sectors: retail, private, corporate. After a significant collaboration as Manager in the trust company of a primary banking group, to which he added the role of speaker in conference activities promoted by SDA Bocconi and occasionally in Class CNBC, pan-European economic/finan television channel, he decided to devote himself to strategic consulting, working mainly with institutions and innovative companies. He is currently a Board Member of the Foundation of a University College of Excellence and President of a Center for Research and Innovation.
In Iezzi&Partners we strongly believe that one of the decisive horizons on which social responsibility is measured is the awareness of the ethical dimension of acting. We therefore believe that there can be neither equity nor efficiency in social, cultural and economic processes, without respect for the dignity and value of the person and without respecting the rules of human coexistence.
In Iezzi&Partners we believe in the value of culture as a fundamental right of the individual, of which it identifies his identity and spirit (Declaration of Friborg – 7 May 2007) and as a prerequisite for creating competitiveness platforms (the EU’s 2020 program). In the future, culture will increasingly represent one of the most innovative frontiers of the economic competition.
In Iezzi&Partners we pursue an innovative approach to reality, certain that innovation is a dimension that is typical of mankind, which has always sought in the course of its history an efficient adaptation, which determined growth, progress and wellness. The great value of innovation is intrinsic in every person to whose realization contributes. Our work and hope is to make it maieutically emerge in each one.
Iezzi&Partners can guarantee a complete coverage of all the phases that distinguish the offering of strategic services
Analyzing and mapping complex context to extrapolate an efficient model is the first and essential step in any design activity.
To let your ideas, intuitions and visions become reality, important design skills and a strong attention to details are needed.
Promote a project that meets the reality may not be enough: collaborations, skills and financial resources are needed to make it possible.
The result achieved should not be passively contemplated, but actively managed. Only in this way can the conditions for its further development be created.
Planning, Evaluation and Sustainability
- Feasibility study
- Master Planning
- Business Planning
- Turnaround Project Planning
- Valuation of the corporate responsibility and sustainability
- Project financing
Controls, Finance, HR
- Assessment and functional design of systems
- Models and processes of Gestion Control
- Budget determination, selection of supplies of products and services, precise monitoring of processes, constant monitoring of critical areas
- Human capital development and talent management
Territorial Activation
- Institutional Networking
- Business involvement
- Stakeholders promotion
- Brand constitution and enhancement
- Identification and promotion of cultural identity
Patenting activities
- Consultation and assistance for patenting procedures
- Entering the inventive activity in the market of products
Research and analysis
- Territorial mapping
- Impact and market analysis
Some of the cultural/educational projects accomplished
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