Francesco Rotondi

Senior Advisor

Francesco is Managing Partner and Founder of LabLaw Studio Legale Rotondi & Partners. Adjunct Professor of Labor Law at the Carlo Cattaneo University – LIUC of Castellanza and publicist journalist. Specializes in labor law and industrial relations. He is the author of more than 50 essays and scholarly publications in the field of labor law as well as Director of the Licosia Edizioni series “Work has changed. Let’s change the rules.”

2022 | Head of Labor Practice
2006 | Founding & Managing Partner
LabLaw Studio Legale Rotondi & Partners, Milan, Italy
2006 | Founding Partner
LabLaw Studio Legale Rotondi & Partners, Milan
2001 – 2005 | Partner and Head of the Employment Law Department.
Hammonds & Rossotto (now R&P legal), Milan
1991 – 2001 | Partner
T&P Trifirò & Partners Avvocati, Milan

Habilitation to practice before the Court of Cassation and the Superior Jurisdictions
Specialization in Business Law, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milan
Licensed to practice law. Enrolled in the Milan Bar Association.
Specialization in European Community Labor Law, Cedri – European Center for Labor Law and Industrial Relations, Milan
Specialization in Business Organization and Human Resources Management (OEP – Organization and Personnel), SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milan
Law degree, maxima cum laude, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Dissertation in Civil Law entitled “The contrariety to mandatory rules”.
Collaborated with the Chair of Civil Law at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, as assistant to Prof. Avv. Francesco Realmonte.

⦁ Scientific Director Franco Angeli Series “Work: points of view and points of oversight”
⦁ Director of the Licosia Edizioni Series “Work has changed. Let’s change the rules,” established in 2018 with the aim of developing an evolutionary vision of labor law
⦁ Editor-in-Chief of Kongnews, an online newspaper specializing in labor, business, and economics
⦁ Author of numerous essays, articles and commentaries pertaining to labor law for specialized journals in the field. Among others: Diritto & Pratica del Lavoro, IPSOA; Il Lavoro nella Giurisprudenza, IPSOA; Guida al Lavoro, Il Sole 24 Ore; Avvocati 24, Il Sole 24 Ore; Il Quotidiano Unico, IPSOA; Guida alle Paghe, IPSOA; Leggi di Lavoro, legal journal of labor consultants, Fondazione Studi Consulenti del Lavoro; Sintesi, review of case law and doctrine, Commissione Studi e Ricerche dell’Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro; HR online, AIDP; Dir. Pers, AIDP.

⦁ Scientific Director of Ipsoa Master’s Degree “The employment contract: tools, negotiation techniques and opportunities” – 2022
⦁ Scientific Director of Human Resources Workshop, HR Link – States General World of Work – I and II Edition, 2021 and 2022
⦁ Scientific Director of the Master’s Degree in Labor, Industrial and Social Part Management Law “HR & Labor Law” of Top Legal Academy – I and II Edition, 2021 and 2022
⦁ Member of the University Commission for the drafting of the Consolidated Text of Legislative and Regulatory Provisions on Universities established at MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research (from March 2019)
⦁ Adjunct professor of labor law c/o Carlo Cattaneo University – LIUC (since 2013)
⦁ Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of IULM Partner Companies – Free University of Languages and Communication (2019-2020)
⦁ Adjunct Professor of Industrial Relations Law c/o European University of Rome
⦁ Lecturer in labor law at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – Master OPL
⦁ Didactic Coordinator Master IPSOA 2016 “Labor Law and Business Organization”
⦁ Lecturer in labor law at the Institute of Labor Law, Catholic University of Milan
⦁ Lecturer at the Scuola di Alta Formazione Professionale della Lombardia AGI, Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani
⦁ Member of the Scientific Committee of Diritto & Pratica del Lavoro, IPSOA
⦁ Lecturer of the Executive Master in Commnication & Human Resources at IULM – Free University of Languages and Communication (2019-2020, II edition)
⦁ Lecturer SDA, Bocconi School of Business Management; ISTUD, Istituto Studi Direzionali S.p.A. and ISPER, Institute for Personnel Management
⦁ Speaker for leading HR associations: AIDP (Italian Association of Personnel Directors), HRCommunity Academy and GIDP (Intersectoral Group of Personnel Directors)
⦁ Lecturer within the Executive MBA Masters, Graduate School of Business, at MIP – Politecnico di Milano 2017 (testimony on industrial relations and M&A)
⦁ Lecturer in labor law as part of the IPSOA Master’s program “Labor relations in the corporate crisis” (2017) and the Master’s program “Labor law and business organization” (2017)
⦁ Speaker at the training meetings organized by the Technical Scientific Committee of the Italian Professional Football League (Lega Italiana Calcio Professionistico (Lega PRO) and LIUC University (2014)
⦁ Lecturer for the Master of Sports Law at the University of Milan (2013)

⦁ Technical Advisor within the Technical Scientific Committee of the States General of the World of Labor comprising all Ministers of Labor of the Italian Republic from 2000 to the present
⦁ Member of the Scientific Committee of the IULM University Foundation in Milan, at the Ministry of Education, University and Research Cabinet Office
⦁ Member of the Working Group for Expo Dubai 2020 formed in November 2018 at the Department for Higher Education and Research of MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research
⦁ Legal Advisor to the Board of Directors of ALIS (Sustainable Intermodal Logistics Association) in planning 2019 goals, including the development of the membership network, the establishment of Alis Europe, and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Industrial Relations on May 20, 2019.
⦁ Collaborator of the country’s leading Industrial Associations.
⦁ Member of the Board of Arbitrators of ASSOLAVORO (CONFINDUSTRIA).
⦁ President of the Lombardy Region Committee of Guarantors for Medical Management for the years 2002/2005

⦁ Vice-president Born To Fight (BTF), a sports association founded with the intention of promoting MMA (mixed martial arts) on the Italian territory
⦁ President of the Federal Court of Appeal within the Italian Federation of Kickboxing Muay Thai Savate Shoot Boxe Sambo (FEDERKOMBAT)
⦁ Member of the Board of Arbitrators of the National Professional League Serie B.

Member of IBA (International Bar Association), AGI (Italian Employment Lawyers Association) and EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association). Member of AIDP (Italian Association of Personnel Managers of the Lombardy Region), Confindustria. Member of the Scientific Committee of Labor Law and Practice at IPSOA (Professional Institute for the Study of Business Organization).


⦁ Lawyer of the Year Industrial and Labor Relations – Legalcommunity Labor Awards 2022, September 2022
⦁ AIDP Award to Managing Partner – Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2021, September 2021
⦁ Lawyer of the Year Sports Law – Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2021, September 2021
⦁ Included in Forbes Italy’s ranking of 100 legal excellencies 2021
⦁ Lawyer of the Year Industrial Relations – Top Legal Awards 2020, Labor
⦁ Lawyer of the Year Sports Law – Legalcommunity Labor Awards 2020, September 2020
⦁ AIDP Award to the Legal Pioneer – Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2020, September 2020
⦁ Listed in Elite Lawyers, Milano Finanza – Class Editori, Best Lawyers and Best Corporate Law Firms 2020, April 2020
⦁ Included in the TOP 30 LAWYERS ranking in GQ Italy, December 2019
⦁ Included in the ranking of the 50 number 1 Italian business lawyers in 2019, MAG Legalcommunity, November 2019
⦁ Lawyer of the Year – Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2019
⦁ Lawyer of the Year – Media – Top Legal Industry Awards 2019
⦁ AA Ranking for Italian Employment Law – LegalCommunity Labour Report 2019
⦁ Top 5 Employment Lawyers in Italy | Le Fonti 2019 Legal 300 Rankings
⦁ Professional of the Year Trade Union and Social Security Law – Top Legal Awards Rome 2018
⦁ Lawyer of the Year – Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2018
⦁ Lawyer of the Year – The Sources Awards 2018
⦁ Lawyer of the Year – The Sources CEO Summit & Awards (London) 2018
⦁ AA Ranking for Italian Employment Law – LegalCommunity Labour Report 2018
⦁ Lawyer of the Year – Labor Law and Industrial Relations – Top Legal Awards 2017
⦁ Lawyer of the Year – Consulting, Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2017
⦁ Lawyer of the Year Labor Law, Le Fonti CEO Summit & Awards 2017
⦁ Sports Professional of the Year, Top Legal Industry Awards 2017
⦁ Lawyer of the Year Labor – Litigation, Top Legal Awards 2016
⦁ Labor/Labor Relations Lawyer of the Year, LegalCommunity Labor Awards 2016
⦁ Only labor lawyer ranked among Italy’s 40 most influential “under 50” lawyers 2015
⦁ Employment Law Lawyer of the Year, Le Fonti CEO Summit & Awards 2015
⦁ Legal special award, LegalCommunity Labour Awards 2014
⦁ Band 1 – Market Leader in the Labor Law and Industrial Relations category, Top Legal, 2013 Labor report
⦁ Lawyer of the Year Labor and Industrial Relations, LegalCommunity Labor Awards 2013
⦁ Lawyer of the Year, LegalCommunity Labor Awards 2012
⦁ TopLegal Awards 2010 – 2012 Labor Professional of the Year – Nominee

⦁ Italian Employment Law – Legal 500 EMEA 2007 – 2021
⦁ Recognised Practitioner – Italian Employment Law – Chamber Europe 2007 – 2021
⦁ Italian Employment Law – Best Lawyers 2010 – 2021
⦁ Italian Employment Law – Who’s Who Legal 2011 – 2021
⦁ Client Choice – Italian Employment Law – Lexology 2020
⦁ Employment, Labor and Benefit Lawyer of the Year – Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2017
⦁ The Lawyer European Awards 2012 European Managing Partner of the Year – Nominee
⦁ Legal Week Awards 2010 – 2011 European Managing Partner of the Year – Nominee
⦁ PLC Which Lawyer? 2006 – 2012
⦁ European Legal Experts 2007 – 2013
⦁ Best of the Best 2010 – 2012
⦁ Expert Guides 2007 – 2009 – 2011- 2013 – 2019
⦁ Chambers Global 2004 – 2006

The following are some of the operations in which he has been featured as an expert.

Main publications:
Il Giornale; Libero; Il Tempo; QN Quotidiano Nazionale (Il Resto del Carlino, La Nazione, Il Giorno); Corriere della Sera; La Repubblica; La Stampa; Il Sole 24 Ore; Italia Oggi; Milano Finanza; Il Giorno; Il Giornale; Il Foglio; Il Secolo XIX; Libero Quotidiano; L’Impresa; Platinum; (Sole24Ore); Adnkronos; Rai Economia; Agenzia DIRE; Capital; La Verità; Panorama; Italia Oggi; Forbes; Italia Oggi Sette; GQ; Radio 24; Radio Monte Carlo (RMC); Radio Milano; RadioVera; Radio CNR; Affaritaliani; Business Insider Italia (Repubblica. it); RAI3 – REPORT; CLASS CNBC TV; Corriere TV.
Covers and Specials:
Economy; Forbes; Business People; L’Impresa; Sole24Ore; Italia Oggi; Technopolis; Legal.