Paolo Callegaro

Senior Advisor

Paolo, a graduate in Economics and Business with a legal focus, is the owner of “STUDIO LENTINI CALLEGARO DOTTORI COMMERCIALISTI ASSOCIATI,” as well as an Auditor and Auditor, an independent member of Boards of Directors with proxy for Corporate Finance/Risk Management and Corporate Planning, CTU, expert witness, attestor of plans of arrangement of relevant corporate groups, with assignments in the areas of bankruptcy proceedings and liquidation of companies.
Main responsibilities:
⦁ Statutory Auditor and Auditor of companies, among them Generali Real Estate Spa SGR (subject to CONSOB supervision three-year period 2021/2023) and Generali Real Estate Spa (2022/2024), Citylife Sviluppo 2 Srl (three-year period 2022/2024), Urberetail Srl (Chairman – three-year period 2022/2024), Generali Investments Holding Spa (three-year period 2022/2024), companies that are part of the Generali Group, Trustee companies, Patrimoni Affidati Spa (Chairman – three-year period 2020/2022), Paladin Srl (Chairman – three-year period 2021/2023);
⦁ Member of the Board of the Italian Naval League, Treviso section triennium 2005/2008;
⦁ Independent member of the Administrative Body of companies for activities related to the development of industrial plans and/or management restructuring;
⦁ Advisor/Liquidator, including in public sector investee/controlled companies, current positions include “Pentagramma Romagna Spa in liquidation,” “Pentagramma Piemonte Spa in liquidation,” and “Quadrifoglio Modena Spa in liquidation” upon appointment by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Immobiliare Srl – Subsidiary Company of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.a. with public control of the Ministry of Economy and Finance;

Other assignments:
⦁ lecturing in the course in Community Design organized from February to July 2006 by the Interdepartmental Center for the Economics and Culture of Globalization at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice alongside Prof. Ferruccio Bresolin;
⦁ consulting to both companies and groups of leading enterprises in the area;
⦁ assistance in favor of clients in extraordinary transactions both from the corporate and tax point of view;
⦁ drafting of business plans also related to corporate restructuring operations of companies and corporate groups;
⦁ advising on bank debt restructuring;
⦁ advising on the preparation of subsidized finance files.

Since 2009 he has been progressively oriented towards cultivating relationships with the Courts of Treviso, Udine, Pordenone and Rome, in particular:
⦁ advisor with regard to access to composition with creditors proceedings pursuant to art. 160 et seq. and restructuring plans pursuant to art. 182 L.F;
⦁ attesting professional pursuant to Article 161 paragraph 3 L.F. with the drafting of the attestation report of composition plans;
⦁ CTU for the Court of Treviso Civil Section, mainly relating to assessments of the financial damage of companies in the liability of the administrative body;
⦁ Commissioned to the sale of shares of LLCs;
⦁ Bankruptcy Curator of Companies;
⦁ Judicial Liquidator and Social Liquidator;
⦁ Judicial Commissioner.
Since 2021 he has held the position of Commissioner Liquidator of cooperative undergoing compulsory liquidation by appointment of the Ministry of Economic Development by order published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Italy.
As of January 2011, he obtained the title of professional civil mediator.
Most recently, he holds the position of Member of the Disciplinary Council of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Treviso, with appointment made on 09/25/2013, renewed on 02/15/2017 and 04/22/2022 by the President of the Court of Treviso.
Registration in professional registers:
⦁ Registration in the Professional Register of Accountants and Accounting Experts of Treviso since 04.06.1996 no. A0647;
⦁ Registration in the Register of Auditors under no. 112926 Ministerial Decree of 31/12/1999 G.U. no. 14 of 18.02.2000;
⦁ Registration on the roll of Technical Consultants of the Court of Treviso, in the commercial category at no. 234;
⦁ Registration in the list of Bankruptcy Curators of the Court of Treviso for assuming positions of Bankruptcy Curator, Judicial Liquidator and Judicial Commissioner;
⦁ Registration in the list of Liquidators and Commissioners at MISE – Ministry of Economic Development;
⦁ Application at MISE – Ministry of Economic Development to take up the position of expert member of the Supervisory Committee within the framework of extraordinary administration procedures.