Dr. Fabio Salviato

Ethics Committee

He graduated at the University of Padua – Faculty of Political Sciences in International sciences with specialization in International economical theory. In 1988 he participates, as founder member, in the constitution of the Consortium CTM –Cooperazione terzo mondo (Cooperation Third World); from 1989 to 1995 he is Chairman and Director of the Financial consortium Etimos (former CTM-Mag); in 1995 he is founder member of the “Cooperative towards Banca Etica” of which he is Chairman until it is turned into “Banca Popolare Etica”, on May 1998. He is then appointed Chairman of Banca Popolare Etica, a position he held until May 2010. He has been an Expert for Group III of the European Economical and Social Committee During his career he gave academic lessons on ethical finance at University Bocconi, Venice, Institute for the for the Diffusion and the Enhancement of Scientific Culture, Naples, University of Urbino and University of Torino. He has published several books and articles about ethical finance and fair trade, his last book is “Ho sognato una banca” (ed. Feltrinelli), on the history of Banca Etica. In 2004 he received a degree ad honorem in Political Economy from the University of Parma. He was counsellor of Hasquette, France Minister of Solidarity Economy, and former Chairman of Etica Sgr, society for savings management of the Banca Etica Group.

He is currently Chairman of FEBEA (European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks), General Manager of SEFEA (European Company of Ethical and Alternative Finance, an instrument created by the Federation).