Prof. Riccardo Milano

Ethics Committee

Graduated in law, initially he worked in the financial world and then he focused on the study of Theology and Social Doctrine of the Church, in particular on “Economic Morality”. He has been member of Banca Etica from almost its origins, he currently holds the position of Head of Cultural Relations of the Bureau. Ethical-economic journalist and columnist, he collaborates with the CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference) for the family pastoral care and writes about economy and solidarity for several Italian newspapers.

He is President of “Veneto responsabile”, which spreads the culture of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Veneto region and member in the Board of A.I.C.C.O.N., an association supporting the promotion of the culture of solidarity.

He was a founding member and a member of the Ethics Committee of the S.E.C. – School of Civil Economics, where he currently collaborates with professors S. Zamagni, L. Bruni, L. Porta, B. Gui.

He holds lectures and courses on Ethical Finance and Microcredit at many Italian universities.

He is the author of the book La finanza e la Banca Etica. Economia e solidarietà, Edizioni Paoline, 2001. Together with Mr. Fabio Salviato, he is also co-author of the item “Microfinance and Microcredit” for the Treccani Encyclopedia (volume “The Book of the Year 2005”), and co-author with Prof. Leonardo Becchetti of the item “Microfinance” for the Dictionary of Civil Economics edited by S. Zamagni and L. Bruni (Città Nuova Editrice, 2009).