Gen. Antonio Pietro Marzo

Scientific Committee

Army Corps General, embarked on his military career in 1974, attending the Nunziatella Military School in Naples and courses at the Military Academy in Modena and the Carabinieri School of Application in Rome.
He holds degrees in Law, Political Science, Internal and External Security Sciences and Master Level II degrees in Strategic Sciences, Global Strategy and Security, Public Management and Public Utility Communication, and Public Administration Organization and Operation.
He was Platoon Commander at the I Battalion of the Carabinieri Auxiliary Cadet School of Benevento; Commander of the Tenenza di Copparo (FE), of the Carabinieri Air Force Company of Catania Fontanarossa (a period in which together with the Carabinieri of his department distinguished themselves in the now historic “night of Sigonella”-October 10, 2005, making the principle of territoriality and, therefore, the sovereignty of the Italian State and respect for its Laws prevail. For this he was given a Solemn Citation); of the Carabinieri Company of Pisticci (MT) and of the Carabinieri Company of Genoa- Portoria.

As Senior Officer he held various positions, in particular: in the General Staff of the General Command of the Carabinieri as Section Chief of the Public Relations Office, Chief of the Public Relations Office, Chief of the Historical Office and Chief of the Sports Activities Office and Chief of the Social Services Office; in the Territorial and Mobile organization he was Provincial Commander of Cosenza, Commander of the 8th Carabinieri Battalion “Lazio” and Provincial Commander of Siena. Promoted to Brigadier General, he held the positions of Commander of the Carabinieri Umbria Legion in Perugia, Director of the 1st Service of the Office for the Coordination and Planning of Police Forces of the Ministry of the Interior as well as Commander of the Autonomous Department of the General Command.
With the rank of Division General, he served as Chief of the IV Department of the General Headquarters and Logistic Inspector of the Carabinieri Corps. After the absorption of the State Forestry Corps, he assumed, on May 22, 2017, the post of Chief of Staff of the newly formed Carabinieri Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Units Command (CUFA) and from March 31, 2021 to July 21, 2023, he was Commander of the said Grand Unit, with the rank of Army General.

He was a member of the Public Green Development Committee and coordinator of the “Land of Fires” Committee. He continues to be a member of the Observatory on Crime in Agriculture and the Agribusiness System and the jury of the Literary Prize “The Pages of the Earth.”
He was awarded the title of “Emeritus Member” by the Italian Academy of Forestry Sciences in April 2022.
In September 2022, he was awarded the Silver Cross of the Order of Merit of the Spanish Guardia Civil.
He was elected, in April 2023, “Honorary Academician “by the National Academy of Agriculture.
On July 13, 2023, the Chancellor of the University of Naples Federico II, at the Aula Magna Storica, awarded him the Honorary Master’s Degree of Level Il in “Landscapes at Risk.”
During his time in command of CUFA, he promoted and raised awareness of various institutional initiatives: National project “A Tree for the Future, ” carried out by the Carabinieri Foresters in collaboration with schools throughout Italy and aimed at raising awareness among the student community of the fundamental role played by forests and trees in mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity;
International conference, held in Rome in May 2022, to celebrate the value of biodiversity under the banner of a greener and more sustainable future, with an audience with the Holy Father and the President of the Republic; Conference in the Sala Regina of the Chamber of Deputies on April 26, 2023, with the theme ” Carabinieri: “Custodians of Biodiversity”; to illustrate the role and tasks of the Forestry Corps in the conservation of the national natural heritage;
The organization of a multimedia and animated reality exhibition in New York from May 8 to 18, 2023 at the UN Building, as part of environmental diplomacy initiatives aimed at promoting Italy’s commitment to protecting the Environment. The exhibition was aimed at illustrating the centuries-long commitment of the Carabinieri Corps to the protection and conservation of natural and environmental heritage. Organization of the international conference, June 5-7, 2023, at the University of Roma Tre, entitled “The Forest factor,” with the aim of emphasizing the protection of forests as an indispensable element in the fight against climate change and their vital importance for biodiversity.