Prof. Andrea Ciarini

Scientific Committee

Professor at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences (DiSSE) of Sapienza University of Rome where he teaches Economic Sociology and Sociology of Welfare and coordinates the degree course in Design, Management and Evaluation of Social Services.

He has been Professor of Sociology of Labour at the Faculty of Law of the University of Cassino.

He has been Visiting Researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science and Visiting Fellow at the University of Leuven.

He has carried out consultancy and research activities for public bodies and trade unions in the field of active labour and social policies. He has been part of a working group established at the European Commission and the European Long-term Investors Association that led to the elaboration of the European Report on Social Infrastructure.

He is President of the Association of social promotion “Studi Locali”, Member of the Editorial Committee of the “Rivista delle Politiche Sociali” (Italian Journal of Social Policy), of “Quaderni di Rassegna Sindacale – Lavori” and of Fondazione ASTRID (Foundation for the analysis, studies and research on the reform of democratic institutions and innovation in public administrations).

Author of numerous publications, his interests concern labour, social and socio-health policies in a comparative, national and regional perspective, industrial relations and governance processes in local welfare.