Prof. Giovanni Stellin

Scientific Committee

Full Professor at the School of Medicine at the University of Padua, since 2002 he has been Director of the Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Unit.

After graduating, he enriches his education by working at world-renowned institutes: Resident in General Surgery at the Staten Island Hospital (Dowstate University) of New York, Senior Resident at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Children’s Hospital, Harvard University, Boston , USA, Chief Registrar at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne University, Australia and Visiting Professor at Fu-Wui Hospital in Beijing. He returns to Italy where he obtains the Specialty in General Surgery first and then in Cardioangiosurgery. He becomes Primary Aid at the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery in Padua, directed by Prof. V. Gallucci.

He completes numerous researches and upgrades abroad in the most prestigious Cardiac Surgery Centers in North America and U.K., devoting himself in particular to the treatment of congenital heart disease. In 1985 he participates with Prof. Gallucci in the first heart transplant in Italy and, in 1988, the first heart transplant in a newborn. As chief in Cardiac Surgery, since 1991 he has been Responsible for Pediatric Cardiac Surgery at the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery of the University of Padua where over 300 interventions for congenital heart disease are performed each year. He is particularly dedicated to the early correction of complex cardiopathies deemed inoperable.

In 1993 he is appointed President of the Society of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery A.R. Castaneda.

In 1998 he becomes Secretary of the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association (ECHSA) and he takes over the presidency from 2004 to 2008. Member of the Association for European Pediatric Cardiology (AEPC) from 2004 to 2007, in 2011 he becomes President of the World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart. Since 2013 he has been Director of the School of Specialty in Cardiac Surgery at the University of Padua.

His scientific research includes over 300 publications, many of which appeared in the most prestigious international journals.

Prof. Stellin is also involved in humanitarian missions, particularly in Eritrea at the Mekane-Howet Hospital in Asmara, in Jerusalem at the Makassed Hospital and in Nepal, at the University of Kathmandu.